7/14: McClatchy-Marist Poll

Do registered voters wax nostalgic?  Would they prefer former President Bill Clinton be the Democratic nominee rather than Hillary Clinton?  Would voters prefer former President Ronald Reagan be the Republican nominee rather than Donald Trump?  Find out in the latest national McClatchy-Marist Poll. To read the full McClatchy article, click here. Complete McClatchy-Marist Poll tables […]

4/16: In New York Trump Has 29 Point Lead Over Kasich

In the contest for the Republican presidential nomination, businessman Donald Trump, 54%, leads Ohio Governor John Kasich, 25%, by 29 points among likely Republican primary voters in New York State.  Texas Senator Ted Cruz receives 16% of the likely GOP electorate.  Trump maintains a commanding lead over his Republican rivals.  In the previous NBC News/Wall […]

4/12: New York: Trump & Well-Positioned for Big Wins

In the contest for the Republican presidential nomination in New York, businessman Donald Trump is favored by 54% of New York’s likely Republican primary voters.  If he can hold on to a majority of Republican support in the state, the April 19th contest could give him the lion’s share of New York’s delegates.  Ohio Governor […]

4/7: McClatchy-Marist Poll

Where does the race for the White House stand nationally?  When the Democratic and Republican front-runners, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and businessman Donald Trump, are matched against each other, are their respective supporters voting for their candidate of choice or against his or her opponent? Find out in the latest national McClatchy-Marist Poll.  To read the […]

4/6: McClatchy-Marist Poll

Will the Democratic Party unite behind the party’s eventual nominee?  What are the odds that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s supporters will back Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders if he wins the nomination?  What are the chances Sanders’ backers will throw their support behind Clinton if she becomes the nominee? Find out in the latest […]

3/13: Florida, Illinois, and Ohio Presidential Primaries

In the Republican presidential primary contests in Florida and Illinois, businessman Donald Trump exhibits continued strength in his bid for the GOP nomination.  Trump is also a strong second in Ohio behind the state’s popular governor, John Kasich.  On the Democratic side, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton outpaces Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in Florida […]

2/28: Tennessee, Georgia, and Texas Presidential Primaries

Businessman Donald Trump has a commanding lead in Tennessee and runs ahead of his competition in Georgia in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.  Senator Ted Cruz is leading in his home state of Texas by double digits.  These surveys were conducted before Thursday’s Republican debate in Houston. In Tennessee, Trump has 40% to […]

2/5: Trump’s Lead Narrows as Rubio and Cruz Close Gap in New Hampshire

Just days after his defeat in Iowa, businessman Donald Trump, 30%, leads his closest competitors, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, 17%, and Texas Senator Ted Cruz, 15%, among likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire including those who are undecided yet leaning toward a candidate or who have voted absentee.  While Trump’s support is virtually unchanged […]

1/30: The Enduring Value of Public Polls

By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff In this primary season the only conclusion that makes sense is that very little has made sense.  Rigorous, scientific public polls have provided a very useful road map.  As fellow pollster Gary Langer has commented: although public polls, the good and the bad, are often mixed together like champagne, cola, […]

1/8: A Psephologist’s Lament (And, You Can Look It Up)

By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff Poll Watcher Season is upon us big time.  And, with it comes both the good and the bad.  Each election cycle resurrects some oldies about the failings of public polls and typically ushers in a few new critiques.  Expect 2016 to follow the same pattern. In an attempt to shed […]