1/15: The Best Laid Plans…

By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff Kirsten Gillibrand and Harold Ford Jr. are improbable rivals for the U.S. Senate seat held only recently by Hillary Clinton.  But, then again, Hillary Clinton was inevitably White House bound and Governor Spitzer was thought to be considering then Lieutenant Governor David Paterson to fill her unexpired senate term.  Okay.  […]

11/23: Rudy Giuliani…What If?

By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff What if Rudy Giuliani decides to challenge Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand for U.S. Senate?  According to the Marist Poll, Giuliani would start the race as the morning line favorite against New York’s junior senator.  Giuliani leads Gillibrand by 14 percentage points.  But, let’s drill down in the numbers to find out […]

11/19: Giuliani Would Be Formidable Candidate for U.S. Senate

Published reports out today have squelched the long-standing rumors that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani will run for governor of New York State. But, what if Giuliani makes a bid for the U.S. Senate?  Giuliani leads U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, the Democrat appointed by Governor David Paterson to fill the vacant seat left […]

11/19: Carving Out a New Political Path?

By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff The shock waves resulting from Rudy Giuliani’s decision not to run for governor in New York State in 2010 are most immediate in Albany but they are also being felt as far south as Washington, D.C.   Giuliani may have recognized that the road to the Executive Mansion could have been […]

9/21: Mr. Obama Goes to New York…Squelches Mr. Paterson’s Chances?

By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff     With an approval rating still scraping bottom at 20% and with only 27% of New York State voters even wanting Governor David Paterson to seek election in 2010, it’s little wonder the White House is getting itchy.  Why is Washington so worried about the bluest of the blue […]

9/17: Resurrect Spitzer? “No Way,” Say Nearly Seven in Ten

Controversy-ridden former New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer has refuted rumors that he is looking to seek political office again.  And, perhaps, that’s a good thing. 69% of registered voters in New York State say they do not want Democrat Spitzer to run for statewide office next year.  This includes 62% of Spitzer’s own party, […]