10/14: Accolades vs. Accomplishments

By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff Searching for successes  to counter the criticism that his accomplishments don’t match his accolades…see Nobel Peace Prize…President Obama is basking in the Senate Finance Committee’s vote on health care reform. The president called the action a critical milestone… And, why not? Obama’s plate has been overflowing since Day One with […]

6/8: Majority Lauds Obama’s Overall Job Performance

56% of registered U.S. voters approve of President Barack Obama’s job performance.  The president’s approval rating has remained consistent during the past two months.  When The Marist Poll asked this question in its April 27th and April 8th surveys, Mr. Obama received 55% and 56% approval ratings, respectively.  However, fervor among younger voters has died […]

The Next 100 Days

By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff Following the deluge of pollsters and pundits weighing in on President Obama’s first 100 days, the obvious follow-up question in this era of rapidly changing public perceptions is: what will the chattering class be saying on August 7th — Day 200 — about the Obama Administration? The late Tim Russert […]

4/27: Obama’s Policy — Voters Weigh In

If President Barack Obama’s 100th day benchmark were the end of a school semester, Mr. Obama would receive high grades from a majority — 58% — of voters nationwide.  In a poll conducted in 2001, President Bush received a similar report card from the electorate. When evaluating Barack Obama’s term in office so far, 23% […]

4/8: Majority Approves of Obama’s Foreign Policy

On the heels of President Barack Obama’s first trip overseas, 55% of voters nationwide say they approve of how the president is handling foreign policy.  And, while 24% of voters disapprove, a notable proportion — 21% — do not have a definite opinion on the subject.  Looking across party lines, 82% of Democrats think President […]