In part two of the four-part series, 1968: The Year that Rocked American Politics, the team of Poll Hub, a production of the Marist College Poll, welcomed journalist, filmmaker, and Distinguished Senior Fellow at Demos, Bob Herbert. Herbert, writer and producer of the documentary Against All Odds, discusses 1968 as a pivotal year in the Civil Rights Movement, addresses where the quest for equality stands today, and reflects on his personal experiences during this tumultuous period.
1968: The Year that Rocked American Politics commemorates 50 years since 1968, the tumultuous year in American society which laid the groundwork for today’s political system and defined a generation. It is presented in conjunction with the course of the same name offered by Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion and member of the political science faculty at Marist College.
The panel series is hosted by the team behind the Marist Poll’s podcast, Poll Hub — Dr. Miringoff, Dr. Barbara L. Carvalho, Director of the Marist Poll, and Jay DeDapper, Director of Innovation at the Marist Poll.