Should the popular vote replace the Electoral College in determining the winner of future presidential elections? Find out voters’ views in the latest national McClatchy-Marist Poll. Click here to read the full McClatchy story.
12/16: McClatchy-Marist Poll
December 16, 2016
How do American voters think Melania Trump will perform as the nation’s next first lady? Find out in the latest national McClatchy-Marist Poll. Click here to read the full McClatchy article.
12/13: McClatchy-Marist Poll
December 13, 2016
Are American voters giving President-elect Donald Trump a political honeymoon? How do they rate him on his transition into office? Do they think he is moving the nation in a better direction? Do they have confidence in his ability to carry out many of the key components of the presidency? Are Americans concerned about President-elect […]
11/9: Closing the Chapter on 2016
November 9, 2016
The Marist Poll would like to congratulate the hundreds of students who took part in Marist polls over the last eighteen months. Their talent, dedication, and hard work contributed to The Marist Poll’s ability to weave an accurate and informative narrative about campaign 2016. When so many other polls ran into difficulty measuring this unprecedented […]
11/2: Passing the Baton
November 2, 2016
By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff My class this semester on “The Presidential Campaign of 2016” at Marist College is a group of talented and enthusiastic undergraduates bringing their fresh perspective to voting, this unprecedented presidential election, and the state of American democracy. It warms the political scientist side of my heart to interact with this […]
9/23: McClatchy-Marist Poll
September 23, 2016
With just days until the first presidential debate, where does the contest stand among likely voters nationally? Find out in the latest national McClatchy-Marist Poll. To read the full McClatchy article, click here.
7/16: McClatchy-Marist Poll
July 16, 2016
What do voters nationally think of the potential vice presidential picks of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton? Find out in the latest national McClatchy-Marist Poll. To read the full McClatchy article, click here. Complete McClatchy-Marist Poll tables and methodology
7/15: McClatchy-Marist Poll
July 15, 2016
How do Democrats and Republicans view the nation’s most pressing issues? Find out in the latest national McClatchy-Marist Poll. To read the full McClatchy article, click here. Complete McClatchy-Marist tables and methodology