April 8, 2009
4/8: Majority Approves of Obama’s Job Performance
With just about two-and-a-half months under his belt, 56% of registered voters nationwide approve of the job President Barack Obama is doing in office. 30%, however, disapprove. Mr. Obama’s positive approval rating is bolstered by the perceptions of younger voters. More than three-quarters of registered voters under the age of thirty — 76% — approve of the president’s job so far. That’s a far greater share than in any other age group. Mr. Obama does need to do more to bridge the gap between the two parties. While 88% of Democrats give the president high marks, just one-quarter of Republicans do the same.
In Touch with the Times and Keeping His Word
Registered voters nationwide believe President Barack Obama has a handle on their concerns. More than seven in ten — 72% — say Mr. Obama understands the problems facing the nation. This is compared with 23% who feel he is out of touch. Even a notable proportion of Republicans — 38% — believe the president is in tune with today’s key issues. And, not surprisingly, most Democrats — 96% — agree. American voters also view President Obama as someone who cares about the average person. 67% say the president cares about people like themselves while just 25% disagree. The president has also made inroads with a sizeable proportion of Republicans on this question. 35% of GOPers share this view.
Many voters also believe President Obama’s acumen and empathy aren’t all he has to offer. 63% report Mr. Obama is a good leader for the country. However, there is a significant partisan divide on this question. 93% of Democrats believe the president is a strong leader while just 25% of Republicans would use this term to describe Mr. Obama. So, how is the president doing on keeping all of those promises he made while on the campaign trail? According to more than six in ten voters, he has kept his word. 61% of voters feel this way compared with 29% who disagree.
Table: Understands Problems Facing the Country
Table: Cares About People Like You
Table: Good Leader for the Nation
Table: Fulfilling Campaign Promises
Change for the Better
President Obama ran his campaign on a platform of change, and a majority of voters say he is delivering. 54% report President Obama is moving the country in a better direction. This is compared with 26% who say he is changing that direction for the worse. Just 13% believe he is making no change at all. Voters also believe that he is improving the way things work inside the Beltway. 54% report Mr. Obama is changing the way things work in Washington, D.C. for the better. 36% disagree.
Table: Direction President Obama Is Moving the Country
Table: Changing the Way Things Work in Washington
Too Much Too Soon
Although a majority of voters think Mr. Obama is leading the nation in a better direction, about half of U.S. voters believe the president is trying too much too soon. This compares with 45% who think he’s not biting off more than he can chew. 6% of voters are unsure. There is a partisan divide on this issue. 74% of Republicans think Mr. Obama should slow it down while only 26% of Democrats feel the same. 51% of Independents think the president is taking on too much too early in his presidency.
Table: Trying To Do Too Much Too Soon
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