President Trump & the Midterms, Sep 2018

With the state of Congress hanging in the balance, the generic congressional ballot question has shifted from a net +7 Democrat in July to a net +12 Democrat. Women (57%) and white voters with a college degree (57%) are more likely to support the Democrat. A majority of white voters without a college degree (51%) and a plurality of men (47%) are more likely to back the Republican in their district.

“Democratic enthusiasm is growing for the midterm elections, and Trump’s approval rating is not,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “With a double-digit advantage in favor of the Democrats and the president below 40%, these numbers point to a growing likelihood of a blue wave this November.”

President Donald Trump’s job approval rating remains upside down. 39% of U.S. residents approve, including 24% who strongly do so. 52% disapprove, including 42% who strongly have this view. Nine percent are unsure. There has been little change on the president’s job approval rating since it was last reported in July.

Complete September 13, 2018 NPR/Marist Poll Release of the United States
Complete September 13, 2018 NPR/Marist Poll of the United States (Tables)
NPR/Marist Poll Methodology and Nature of the Sample