August 13, 2010
8/13: More Than Three-Quarters of U.S. Residents “Eco-friendly”
76% of Americans believe they do their part to help the environment. Included here are 36% who do a fair amount, 23% who do a good amount, and 17% who do a great deal. However, when thinking about how they live and the items they buy, 24% of residents nationally do very little or nothing at all to protect the environment.
Those in the Northeast, Americans who earn $50,000 or more annually, college graduates, residents 45 or older, and women are the most ecologically minded residents.
Table: Amount to Help Environment
Americans Garden to Eat Healthier, Not to Help the Environment
Just 8% of U.S. residents say that if they had a fruit, vegetable, or herb garden, they would grow it to help the environment. On the contrary, a slim majority — 51% — would plant a garden to eat healthier, 24% would reap the harvest to save money, and 17% would sow seeds to have fun.
Little changes when looking at Americans who say they do, in fact, grow their own fruit, vegetables, or herbs. Among these U.S. residents, 49% grow produce to eat healthier, 24% do so to save money, and one-fifth view their garden as a hobby. Just 7% have the environment in mind when it comes to gardening.
Do most Americans pick up a shovel and hoe and, personally, plant their own fruits and vegetables? No. 52% of U.S. residents do not have their own fruit, vegetable, or herb garden while 48% do.
Midwesterners, residents earning $50,000 or more a year, college graduates, older Americans, women, and parents are more likely than their counterparts to maintain a garden.