7/15: Michigan Election 2014 Statewide Contests Competitive


map of michigan

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Democrat Congressman Gary Peters is ahead of former Secretary of State and Republican Terri Lynn Land by six points in the race to win the U.S. Senate seat vacated by retiring six-term incumbent, Democrat Carl Levin.  However, both candidates are not well known to voters, and nearly one in five voters are undecided.  This remains a competitive race.  Incumbent Governor Rick Snyder is neck and neck with his Democratic challenger and former Congressman Mark Schauer.  Snyder has a positive job performance rating as governor statewide but his favorability rating is less strong.  He is bolstered in his re-election effort by an advantage among independent voters and the electorate’s lack of familiarity with Schauer.  Despite having carried Michigan twice, President Obama’s job rating is upside down.

Click Here for Complete July 15, 2014 NBC News/Marist Poll Michigan Release and Tables

“Peters has an early edge in this contest to hold Senator Levin’s seat for the Democrats,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.  “But Democrats can’t count on putting Michigan in their win column.”

Poll Points

President Obama and Congressional Republicans Not Well Received

 President’s Agenda Divides State

Marist Poll Methodology

Nature of the Sample and Complete Tables