April 5, 2016
4/5: Republicans Oppose Contested Convention
A majority of Republicans and Republican leaning independents nationally do not want a contested convention. 52% report that if businessman Donald Trump has the most delegates going into the convention in Cleveland but does not have enough to win on the first ballot, he should still be the party’s nominee. 40% say the GOP should nominate someone else.
If the Republican Party decides to nominate someone other than Trump, nearly two in three Republicans and Republican leaning independents, 65%, say the nominee should be a candidate who ran in this year’s primaries. 29% think it is acceptable for the nominee to be a Republican who did not run.
“Interestingly, it is strong Republicans and conservatives who don’t want a family feud,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “There is a solid consensus among the GOP rank and file that the nominee should at least be someone who was part of this year’s primary process.”
Where does Trump currently stand in the bid for the Republican nomination? Trump, 40%, and Cruz, 35%, are competitive among Republicans and Republican leaning independents nationally. 20% would like to see Ohio Governor John Kasich win the GOP nomination.
Trump does best among Republicans and Republican leaning independents who do not practice a religion, those without a college degree, earn less than $50,000 annually, men, independents, those who describe themselves as conservative, or those 45 years of age and older. Cruz does best among Republicans and Republican leaning independents who self-identify as very conservative. Trump and Cruz are competitive among most other demographic groups including Tea Party supporters. Among Republicans who consider themselves to be Tea Party supporters, Trump and Cruz are in a virtual dead heat.
Complete April 5, 2016 McClatchy-Marist Poll of the United States