March 26, 2010
3/26: Cuomo Viewed As “Solution” … Approval Rating on the Rebound
Registered voters in New York State think Attorney General Andrew Cuomo could be the person to chart a new course for the state. According to the latest Marist Poll in New York, 66% of voters say, if Cuomo is elected governor, he would more likely be part of the solution to turning state government around than part of the problem. 22% report he is more likely to be part of the problem. 12% are unsure.
“Voters are looking for someone who can turn state government around, and most plan to look no farther than Andrew Cuomo,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.
This perception of Cuomo crosses party lines. Not surprisingly, 74% of Democrats see Cuomo as someone who can help improve state government and even half of Republicans say the same. Looking at non-enrolled voters statewide, 71% believe Cuomo would be more likely to be a solution to the state’s problems than part of their cause.
Table: Cuomo – Part of State’s Solution or Problem
Click Here for Complete March 26, 2010 NYS Poll Release and Tables
Cuomo Approval Rating at 61%
After a drop earlier this month prior to Cuomo’s recusal from investigating Governor Paterson, Cuomo’s job approval rating has taken a turn for the better. 61% of voters say Cuomo is doing either an excellent or good job in office. 26% report he is doing a fair job, and just 8% think he is performing poorly. An additional 5% are unsure.
In Marist’s March 9th survey, Cuomo’s approval rating stood at 54%. 31% thought he was doing a fair job, and 8% thought he was off target. 7% were unsure.
“Attorney General Cuomo may have stubbed his toe briefly during the investigation of Governor Paterson, but he is back on his feet again and poised to start running for governor,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.
Table: Cuomo Approval Rating
Table: Cuomo Approval Rating Over Time
Cuomo with Wide Lead Against Lazio, Levy
Although Cuomo has yet to toss his proverbial hat into the gubernatorial ring, speculation about a possible candidacy is high. Should Cuomo decide to run, to say he is well-positioned is an understatement. When pitted against Republican candidate, former U.S. Representative Rick Lazio, Cuomo leads Lazio, 61% to 30%, respectively. 9% are unsure.
When Marist last posed this hypothetical contest to voters in its March 2nd poll, 64% of registered voters said they would cast their ballot for Cuomo while 28% thought they would support Lazio. 8% were unsure.
Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy recently announced he will switch parties and will seek the Republican nomination for governor. How does he stack up against Cuomo? Here, Cuomo enjoys a slightly wider lead. He receives 65% of voters’ support compared with 26% for Levy. 9% are unsure.
Table: Cuomo/Lazio 2010 Matchup
Table: Cuomo/Levy 2010 Matchup
Lazio Pick of GOP Majority
In the race for the Republican nomination for governor, Rick Lazio receives majority support from his party’s rank-and-file members. 53% of the state’s GOP voters report they would support Lazio if the primary were held today while just 21% report they would back Levy. 26%, however, are unsure.