March 13, 2017
3/13: Majority Expects Trump to Heighten Racial Tensions
Examining perceptions of U.S. race relations under President Donald Trump, 52% of Americans think race relations will get worse. 26% say they will improve, and 18% believe they will remain about the same. Four percent are unsure.
With the exception of Republicans, 63%, those who supported Trump in the election, 61%, Tea Party supporters, 49%, conservatives, 49%, and white evangelical Christians, 42%, at least a plurality believe race relations under the Trump Administration will deteriorate.
A majority of Americans remain downbeat about the overall status of race relations in the United States, although that number has improved. 51% of Americans say race relations in this country have gotten worse in the past year, but that is down from 58% in September 2015. However, there has been an increase in the proportion of Americans who say race relations are status quo and characterize that as a bad thing, 25% up from 20% previously. Only 10% currently report race relations have improved in the United States, and 9% believe race relations have remained the same which they consider to be a good thing. These proportions are similar to what was reported in 2015.
Complete March 13, 2017 McClatchy-Marist Poll Release of the United States