February 27, 2017
2/27: Majority of Americans Oppose Repealing Obamacare
McClatchy/Marist National Poll
67% of Americans do not think Congress should completely repeal the Affordable Care Act. However, there is little consensus about what changes, if any, should be made to the law.
While 21% of U.S. residents want Congress to let Obamacare stand in its current form, 39% think the law should be changed so that it can do more. Only 7% want the law changed so that it does less. 29% believe Obamacare should be repealed completely. Four percent are unsure.
“Any changes in Obamacare will need to take into account that a clear majority want it either left alone or expanded,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “In light of this, it’s not surprising that Obamacare was not repealed and replaced on day one.”
There is a partisan divide on this issue. 56% of Democrats think Obamacare should be adjusted so that it does more while 68% of Republicans report it should be completely repealed.
On the specific aspects of the Affordable Care Act, there is a great deal of consensus. 76% of Americans want the component which allows children to remain on their parents’ health insurance policy until the age of 26 to remain a law. 72% would like the government to keep in place the provision which provides federal subsidies to lower income people to pay for health insurance, 69% also support prohibiting insurance companies from denying health coverage because of pre-existing conditions. However, half of Americans, 50%, do not think residents should be legally required to buy health insurance and say that this component should be repealed.
Looking at party, differences exist, but there are points of consensus. More than seven in ten Democrats, regardless of the specific component of Obamacare, want it to be legally upheld. Nearly six in ten Republicans, 59%, also want the provision which prevents insurance companies from denying coverage because of pre-existing conditions to stay in place. The same proportion, 59%, also favors allowing those up to 26 years old to remain on their parents’ health plan. However, there are two sticking points. Half of Republicans, 50%, want to repeal the component which provides federal subsidies to help lower income people pay for insurance. Even more Republicans, 75%, think the mandate to buy health insurance should be overturned.
Complete February 27, 2017 McClatchy-Marist Poll Release of the United States