February 16, 2010
2/16: The Intelligence of Dogs
Here’s one for the dogs and the dog lovers out there!
Most U.S. residents — 80% — say dogs are more intelligent than we think they are. Just 15% believe dogs are less intelligent than commonly perceived. 5% are unsure. Not surprisingly, nearly nine in ten of those with a dog at home — 87% — think a dog’s intelligence is underrated. This compares with 73% of residents who do not own a dog.
Women give dogs a big “bark out.” 85% believe canines are sharper than we think compared with 76% of men. 18% of men and 11% of women, however, report dogs are less intelligent.
And, if you’re wondering if someone you know is a dog owner, you have about a fifty-fifty shot of being right. 51% of U.S. residents say they or a member of their household have a dog at home.
Table: Dog Intelligence
Table: Have a Dog
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