12/21: “Whatever” Most Annoying Word or Phrase

It’s the most annoying (word) time of the year!  Once again, “whatever” claims the title of most annoying word or phrase used in casual conversation.

“Whatever” irritates 38% of Americans followed by “no offense, but” with 20%.  “You know, rightis irksome to 14% of residents nationally as is “I can’t even,” 14%.  “Huge” grates on the nerves of 8% of Americans, and 5% are unsure.

However, “whatever may be losing some steam.  In 2015, 43% of residents cited “whateverto be the most annoying.  “No offense, but” followed with 22%, and “like” came in third with 20%.  Seven percent thought “no worries” was irritating, and “huge” received 3%.  Four percent were unsure.

Age matters.  Nearly half of Americans 45 years of age or older, 49%, believe “whatever” to be the most annoying, but among younger Americans, there is little agreement.  27% mention “whatever” followed by “no offense, but” and “I can’t even” each with 24%.  Digging deeper, “whatever” tops the list for those 30 to 44 years old, 33%, Americans 45 to 59 years of age, 48%, and those 60 and older, 49%.  Among Americans under 30, “I can’t even” takes top honors with 33%.

Regardless of race, “whatever” receives the dubious distinction of most annoying word or phrase.  However, African Americans, 57%, and Latinos, 42%, are more likely to have this view than whites, 35%.

Complete December 21, 2016 Marist Poll Release of the United States

Complete December 21, 2016 Marist Poll Tables of the United States

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