November 12, 2015
11/12: What Matters in a Presidential Candidate?
What do American voters want in a presidential candidate? Nearly seven in ten registered voters nationally, 68%, report they would definitely vote for a woman, and nearly two-thirds, 64%, say they would definitely support a Latino or Hispanic presidential candidate. Majorities of voters also say they would not hesitate to cast their ballot for someone who is 65 years of age or older, 54%, or a candidate with many years of government experience, 51%.
In contrast, half of the American electorate, 50%, report they would definitely not vote for a candidate who is a socialist, and a plurality, 44%, would not support a candidate who has no experience in government. There is less of a consensus about whether voters would back a CEO who has run a large corporation or is a Seventh Day Adventist.
Complete November 12, 2015 McClatchy-Marist Poll of the United States