10/4: Wisconsin Senate Race

In the race for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin, Democratic Senator Russ Feingold currently trails his Republican challenger Ron Johnson among likely voters including those who are undecided yet leaning toward a candidate.  According to this McClatchy-Marist Poll, Johnson receives the support of a majority of these voters — 52% — while Feingold garners 45%.  3% are undecided.

Russ Feingold and Ron Johnson

Russ Feingold (l) and Ron Johnson

Click Here for Complete October 4, 2010 WI McClatchy-Marist Poll Release and Tables

To say there is a partisan divide in Wisconsin is an understatement.  Among likely voters including those who are undecided yet leaning toward a candidate, 98% of Republican voters support Johnson compared with just 1% who is behind Feingold.  Looking at Democratic voters, 95% back Feingold compared with 5% for Johnson.  A majority of likely independent voters — 58% — throw their support behind Johnson while 35% back Feingold.

Among registered voters in Wisconsin, Johnson and Feingold are closely matched.  45% report they will vote for Johnson compared with 43% who plan to cast their ballot for Feingold.  Just 1% plans to vote for someone else, and 11% are undecided.


Click on the table to enlarge the image.

Table: U.S. Senate in Wisconsin – Feingold/Johnson (Likely Voters)
Table: U.S. Senate in Wisconsin – Feingold/Johnson (Registered Voters)

More than Three-Quarters Strongly Support Their Choice

78% of likely voters strongly support their candidate.  16% somewhat support him while 4% might vote differently on Election Day.  Just 2% are unsure.  Feingold and Johnson share similar intensities of support among their respective supporters.  79% of likely voters who back Feingold and 77% of those who pull for Johnson express strong support for their candidate.

Click on the table to enlarge the image.

Click on the table to enlarge the image.

Table: Candidates’ Strength of Support – Feingold/Johnson

More Than Seven in Ten For Candidate

71% of likely voters in Wisconsin report they are supporting their pick because they are for him while 22% say they plan to support their candidate because they are against his opponent.  7% are unsure.  83% of likely voters who support Feingold are for him while 61% of likely voters who are Johnson backers plan to cast their ballot because they are for him.

Click on the table to enlarge the image.

Click on the table to enlarge the image.

Table: Voting for Candidate or Against Opponent? (Likely Voters)

44% of Registered Voters Very Enthusiastic About Voting

44% of Wisconsin registered voters are very enthusiastic about voting in this November’s elections.  A greater proportion of Republican voters — 53% — express a high level of enthusiasm compared with Democratic voters — 38%.  44% of independent voters are similarly enthusiastic.

33% of registered voters in the U.S. are very enthusiastic about casting their ballot on Election Day.

Click on the table to enlarge the image.

Click on the table to enlarge the image.

Table: Enthusiasm to Vote

Candidates Viewed Favorably?

A majority of registered voters — 53% — view Johnson favorably while 28% do not.  19% are unsure.  48% perceive Feingold favorably while 40% do not think well of him.  12% are unsure.

Click on the table to enlarge the image.

Click on the table to enlarge the image.

Table: Johnson Favorability
Table: Feingold Favorability

Obama Approval Rating at 49%

49% of registered voters in Wisconsin approve of President Barack Obama’s job performance.  45% disapprove, and 6% are unsure.

Table: Obama Approval Rating

Nearly Half of Registered Voters Say Worst Is Over for U.S. Economy

When thinking about the U.S. economy, 49% of registered voters in Wisconsin believe the worst is behind us while 41% think the worst is yet to come.  10% are unsure.

These proportions are in contrast with the views of the national electorate.  43% of registered voters nationally think the worst is behind us while 53% believe the worst is ahead.  4% are unsure.









Click on the table to enlarge the image.


Table: U.S. Economy – Will It Get Worse?

Marist Poll Methodology