October 21, 2010
10/21: Quarter of Americans Watch TV Shows Online
68% of U.S. residents report they watch television shows in real time on their TV’s. However, 16% record programs using a DVR to watch them at a later time. 9% watch their shows online while 7% do not watch television.
There is a generation gap. Americans 45 and older — 77% — are more likely to watch TV shows in the traditional way compared with 56% of those younger than 45. By nearly a two-to-one margin, younger Americans — 22% — are more likely than are those 45 and older — 12% — to catch up with their favorite shows later thanks to a DVR. And, by a five-to-one margin, those under the age of 45 — 15% — are more likely to view TV programs online than are their older counterparts — 3%.