Internet Users |
Have you, yourself, ever sent or said anything over the Internet that you regret? If you have never used the Internet to send something, please say so. |
Yes |
No |
Row % |
Row % |
Internet Users |
18% |
82% |
Region |
Northeast |
19% |
81% |
Midwest |
16% |
84% |
South |
16% |
84% |
West |
24% |
76% |
Household Income |
Less than $50,000 |
13% |
87% |
$50,000 or more |
24% |
76% |
Age |
Under 45 |
24% |
76% |
45 or older |
13% |
87% |
Gender |
Men |
21% |
79% |
Women |
15% |
85% |
Interview Type |
Landline |
17% |
83% |
Cell Phone |
22% |
78% |
Marist Poll National Internet Users: Interviews conducted June 15th through June 23rd, 2011, N=791 MOE +/- 3.5%. Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding. |