Registered Voters |
Do you think the current economic conditions are mostly something President Obama inherited or are they mostly a result of his own policies? |
Economic conditions mostly inherited |
Economic conditions mostly result of his own policies |
Unsure |
Row % |
Row % |
Row % |
Registered Voters |
63% |
25% |
12% |
Party ID |
Democrat |
84% |
10% |
6% |
Republican |
36% |
46% |
18% |
Independent |
66% |
25% |
9% |
Tea Party Supporters |
30% |
55% |
15% |
Political Party |
Liberal |
87% |
8% |
6% |
Moderate |
76% |
14% |
10% |
Conservative |
39% |
45% |
16% |
Region |
Northeast |
67% |
19% |
14% |
Midwest |
67% |
22% |
11% |
South |
56% |
29% |
15% |
West |
66% |
26% |
7% |
Household Income |
Less than $50,000 |
67% |
22% |
12% |
$50,000 or more |
65% |
25% |
10% |
Education |
Not college graduate |
59% |
29% |
12% |
College graduate |
68% |
20% |
13% |
Age |
Under 45 |
67% |
20% |
12% |
45 or older |
61% |
27% |
12% |
Age |
18 to 29 |
70% |
19% |
11% |
30 to 44 |
66% |
21% |
13% |
45 to 59 |
69% |
22% |
9% |
60 or older |
53% |
33% |
14% |
Generation |
Millennials (18-30) |
68% |
20% |
12% |
Gen X (31-46) |
66% |
23% |
11% |
Baby Boomers (47-65) |
66% |
22% |
11% |
Silent-Greatest (Over 65) |
51% |
34% |
15% |
Race |
White |
59% |
28% |
13% |
Non-white |
73% |
18% |
10% |
Gender |
Men |
63% |
26% |
11% |
Women |
63% |
24% |
13% |
Views of U.S. Economy |
The worst is yet to come |
45% |
39% |
15% |
The worst is behind us |
74% |
17% |
9% |
Obama Approval Rating |
Approve |
88% |
7% |
4% |
Disapprove |
34% |
48% |
18% |
Interview Type |
Landline |
62% |
26% |
12% |
Cell Phone |
68% |
20% |
12% |
Marist Poll National Registered Voters: Interviews conducted January 6th through 10th, 2011, N=827 MOE +/- 3.5%. Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding. |