National Adults
Which comes closer to your opinion:
WikiLeaks is doing more good than harm by making the U.S. government more transparent and accountable in foreign policy WikiLeaks is doing more harm than good by allowing enemies of the U.S. to see confidential and secret information about foreign policy Unsure
Row % Row % Row %
National Adults 22% 70% 8%
Heard about WikiLeaks A great deal-A good amount 21% 74% 5%
Not very much-Not at all-Unsure 23% 66% 11%
Registered Voters 20% 72% 8%
Party ID Democrat 23% 67% 10%
Republican 11% 81% 7%
Independent 25% 71% 4%
Tea Party Supporters 14% 83% 3%
Party ID by Gender Democrat men 35% 57% 8%
Democrat women 14% 75% 11%
Republican men 13% 81% 6%
Republican women 10% 81% 9%
Independent men 29% 66% 5%
Independent women 19% 77% 4%
Political Party Liberal 35% 58% 7%
Moderate 18% 76% 6%
Conservative 15% 77% 7%
Region Northeast 19% 73% 9%
Midwest 23% 67% 10%
South 20% 74% 7%
West 29% 64% 7%
Household Income Less than $50,000 26% 66% 8%
$50,000 or more 20% 74% 6%
Education Not college graduate 23% 68% 9%
College graduate 22% 73% 6%
Age Under 45 28% 66% 6%
45 or older 18% 72% 9%
Age 18 to 29 30% 64% 5%
30 to 44 26% 68% 6%
45 to 59 21% 72% 8%
60 or older 16% 73% 11%
Race White 19% 74% 7%
Non-white 29% 63% 8%
Gender Men 29% 64% 7%
Women 16% 75% 9%
Interview Type Landline 19% 72% 9%
Cell Phone 30% 65% 5%
December 2010 Marist Poll National Adults N=1029 MOE +/- 3%. Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.