NYC Adults
Right now, do you think the New York City economy is getting better, getting worse, or staying about the same?
Getting better Getting worse Staying about the same
Row % Row % Row %
NYC Adults 23% 34% 43%
NYC Registered Voters 24% 33% 43%
Party Registration Democrat 26% 32% 42%
Republican 13% 40% 47%
Non-enrolled 30% 27% 44%
NYC Borough Bronx 17% 32% 50%
Brooklyn 25% 37% 38%
Manhattan 32% 33% 34%
Queens and Staten Island 19% 32% 48%
Income Less than $50,000 19% 39% 42%
$50,000 or more 28% 29% 43%
Race White 25% 34% 41%
African American 21% 32% 47%
Latino 20% 37% 42%
Education Not college graduate 24% 37% 40%
College graduate 24% 29% 46%
Age Under 45 24% 34% 42%
45 or older 23% 35% 42%
Generation Millennials (18-30) 23% 43% 34%
Gen X (31-46) 24% 26% 50%
Baby Boomers (47-65) 27% 35% 38%
Silent-Greatest (Over 65) 17% 30% 54%
Gender Men 29% 30% 41%
Women 18% 38% 44%
Households with children under 18 Household with children 23% 41% 36%
No children in household 24% 27% 49%
Union Member in Household 21% 30% 49%
Own or Rent Home Own 25% 32% 43%
Rent 22% 34% 43%
Interview Type Landline 22% 34% 44%
Cell Phone 29% 33% 38%
NY1/YNN-Marist Poll NYC Adults: Interviews conducted January 24th through 31st, 2011, N=657 MOE +/- 4%. Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.