Are you more or less likely to vote for a candidate for U.S. Senate that is more conservative than most Democrats in New York State. If it makes no difference to your vote, please say so.
More likely Less likely No difference
Row % Row % Row %
Democrats 23% 35% 42%
Gillibrand Democrats 20% 36% 43%
Ford Democrats 30% 24% 46%
Undecided Democrats 22% 39% 40%
Political Ideology Liberal 9% 54% 36%
Moderate 24% 30% 47%
Conservative 58% 2% 40%
Region New York City 24% 33% 43%
Suburbs 25% 39% 36%
Upstate 21% 34% 44%
Income Less than $50,000 17% 30% 53%
$50,000 or more 22% 37% 41%
Race White 22% 39% 38%
Non White 24% 24% 52%
Age Under 45 17% 32% 52%
45 or older 28% 37% 35%
Gender Men 25% 34% 41%
Women 22% 35% 43%
January 2010 Marist Poll New York Registered Democrats "N=370 MOE +/- 5%". Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.