Are you more or less likely to vote for a candidate for U.S. Senate that has a better chance of beating the Republican in November. If it makes no difference to your vote, please say so.
More likely Less likely No difference
Row % Row % Row %
Democrats 54% 4% 42%
Gillibrand Democrats 58% 1% 41%
Ford Democrats 48% 7% 46%
Undecided Democrats 54% 5% 41%
Political Ideology Liberal 62% 3% 35%
Moderate 57% 3% 40%
Conservative 38% 9% 53%
Region New York City 53% 4% 43%
Suburbs 66% 4% 30%
Upstate 50% 4% 46%
Income Less than $50,000 41% 6% 53%
$50,000 or more 60% 5% 35%
Race White 52% 5% 43%
Non White 57% 3% 40%
Age Under 45 46% 1% 52%
45 or older 60% 6% 34%
Gender Men 51% 4% 45%
Women 57% 4% 39%
January 2010 Marist Poll New York Registered Democrats "N=370 MOE +/- 5%". Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.