New York's 9th Congressional District Registered Voters
Would you rate the job Congressman Anthony Weiner is doing in office as excellent, good, fair, or poor?
Excellent Good Fair Poor Heard of Congressman Anthony Weiner - Unsure How to Rate Never Heard of Congressman Anthony Weiner
Row % Row % Row % Row % Row % Row %
New York's 9th Congressional District Registered Voters 12% 32% 22% 16% 17% 2%
Party Registration Democrat 17% 37% 18% 10% 15% 2%
Republican 5% 19% 29% 26% 19% 2%
Non-enrolled 5% 25% 28% 25% 16% 1%
NYC Borough Brooklyn 11% 32% 16% 18% 20% 2%
Queens 12% 31% 24% 15% 16% 2%
Income Less than $50,000 10% 25% 24% 15% 23% 3%
$50,000 or more 15% 36% 20% 16% 12% 1%
Race White 13% 31% 22% 19% 13% 1%
Non White 9% 32% 22% 9% 23% 4%
Age Under 45 8% 27% 31% 12% 20% 3%
45 or older 16% 37% 14% 18% 14% 1%
Gender Men 13% 27% 21% 22% 16% 1%
Women 11% 35% 22% 11% 18% 3%
NY1-Marist Poll New York's 9th Congressional District Registered Voters: Interviews conducted June 8th, 2011, N=411 MOE +/- 5%. Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.