NYC Residents
The MTA recently eliminated customer service agents and reduced the number of token booth clerks. People who favor this plan say it will save millions of dollars. People who oppose say it may compromise service and safety. Do you favor or oppose the plan?
Favor Oppose Unsure
Row % Row % Row %
NYC Residents 20% 77% 3%
Gender Men 22% 74% 3%
Women 18% 79% 4%
Race White 22% 74% 4%
African American 13% 83% 3%
Latino 18% 79% 3%
Age Under 45 21% 77% 2%
45 or older 19% 76% 5%
Education Not college graduate 15% 81% 3%
College graduate 27% 70% 3%
Household Income Less than $50,000 15% 80% 4%
$50,000 or more 26% 72% 2%
NYC Borough Bronx 17% 77% 6%
Brooklyn 18% 78% 4%
Manhattan 20% 77% 3%
Queens and Staten Island 23% 75% 2%
Registered Voters 20% 77% 3%
Party Registration Democrat 17% 80% 3%
Republican 29% 68% 4%
Non-enrolled 26% 71% 4%
August 2010 Marist Poll New York City Residents "N=809 MOE +/- 3.5%". Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.