Poll Hub’s Trip to Spring Training

On Major League Baseball’s Opening Day, the Poll Hub team reflects on one of the most memorable events of the pre-season — their trip to Yankees Spring Training in Tampa, Florida. During their adventure, Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist Institute for Public Opinion, Dr. Barbara L. Carvalho, Director of the Marist Poll, and friend […]

8/10: A.J. Burnett and the U.S. Economy

By John Sparks Unless you’ve been under a rock or on another planet, you know that despite folks saying that our economy couldn’t get any worse, it has.  Standard & Poors has removed the United States from its list of risk-free borrowers, and following the action, the stock market plummeted, demonstrating a lack of confidence […]

4/1: Big Apple Baseball, Past and Present

By John Sparks Sports journalist Len Berman has been a fan of New York baseball since the 1950’s, when the city boasted three teams. He talks with the Marist Poll’s John Sparks about what Yankees’ and Mets’ fans can expect from the 2010 season. John Sparks Len, baseball season’s just around the corner. The Marist […]

4/1: For the Love of the Game

By Stephanie Calvano Rogers Hornsby said, “People ask me what I do in winter when there’s no baseball.  I’ll tell you what I do.  I stare out the window and wait for spring.”  I share this sentiment with the legendary second baseman. The Yankees take top honors among baseball fans nationally with 11% of those […]

6/2: Dugout Chatter — Baseball in NYC

By John Sparks Baseball season is in full swing!  From Major League Baseball’s ticket prices to new stadiums’ impact on the game, there’s a lot of chatter surrounding the sport.  In an interview with The Marist Poll’s John Sparks, sports journalist Len Berman weighs in.  Check out their conversation below. John Sparks Len, we conducted […]

6/2: Taking the Plunge at Yankee Stadium

By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff OK… I did it.  Saturday, May 16th, I swallowed my pinstripe pride and checked out the Bronx Bombers’ new digs.  As we pollsters might say, on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 meaning I loved it and 10 meaning I despised it… I score the experience around a […]

6/2: You Call That a Record?!

By Stephanie Calvano I wait all winter for it to be baseball season again.  I make an annual trip to Tampa in March to visit friends and go to Yankees’ Spring Training.  I feel like a little kid every time I go to a Major League game.  Then, every once in a while, I step back and […]

Bucks and Baseball: An Interview

By John Sparks Sports Author Ray Robinson discusses the economics of baseball and offers a unique perspective on the history of the game.  Here’s a transcript of Robinson’s interview with The Marist Poll’s John Sparks. John Sparks Ray, attendance may have increased for professional baseball last season, but our recent survey indicates that most fans […]