By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff Change is usually a welcome sign in politics for a challenger looking to unseat an incumbent. But, so far, in NYS the sentiment to move in a new direction is not providing Rob Astorino, the GOP challenger to Governor Andrew Cuomo, the kind of boost he needs. In […]
1/27: A Look at Cuomo’s Current Success
January 27, 2012
By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff As if his job performance numbers aren’t high enough, the latest Marist Poll shows that Governor Andrew Cuomo is in the process of reshaping how Empire State voters view the future of New York. For the first time in nearly a decade, New York voters are telling us they think […]
3/30: Media Advisory — Dyson Foundation/Marist Poll Announces: “Striking a Balance: New Yorkers Speak Out on Rightsizing Local Government”
March 30, 2011
For media inquiries and technical assistance: The Marist Poll, 845-575-5050 Lee M. Miringoff Mary Azzoli The Dyson Foundation Diana M. Gurieva, 845-790-6312 Steve Densmore, 845-234-8713 What: Faced with high taxes, rising costs, and declining financial support from state and federal governments, how can local governments still provide essential services? Is rightsizing local government the answer? […]
11/8: Governor Cuomo: Take Two
November 8, 2010
By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff It’s Election Night in New York State. The winds of change are strong as the Attorney General has just been elected governor by a wide margin. The promise: shake up the system and clean up the government. Of course, the year was 2006 and the newly elected governor was Eliot […]
10/22: Countdown to Election Day in NY
October 22, 2010
By John Sparks With less than two weeks until Election Day, will the Republicans take control of the New York State Senate? Can we expect any surprises in New York, and what will turnout be like? The Marist Poll’s John Sparks speaks with Political Analyst Jay DeDapper about this and more. John Sparks Jay, Election […]
Paterson Could Be Casualty of Albany Political Coup
June 9, 2009
By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff Just as Governor Paterson was trying to dig out in Albany, is the GOP Senate takeover yet another shovel of dirt on his political grave? The most recent Marist Poll in New York State found that only 20% of voters statewide think Governor Paterson is changing the way things work […]
A $2 Bet May Pay Off on Gillibrand
May 20, 2009
By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff What’s worse than being an appointed senator, selected by an unelected governor? Perhaps, it’s being an appointed senator, selected by a very unpopular, unelected governor. Want to turn the crank again? How about an appointed senator, selected by a very unpopular, unelected governor following a messy selection process…and you can […]