3/31: Third Term: A Bridge by Any Other Name

By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff Now that Ed Koch has had the Queensboro Bridge named after him, maybe the “How Am I Doing?” former mayor might be able to teach the current occupant of City Hall a thing or two about how hard it is to bridge the gap between a second and third term.  […]

2/4: Any Way You Crunch the Numbers…

By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff Andrew Cuomo is off to a good start as New York’s Governor.  According to the latest Marist Poll, he has a 71% favorability rating and his job performance stands at 48%.  This translates into most New York voters telling us they like Cuomo and nearly half think, after just one […]

1/28: The Son Also Rises…

By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff Lately the signs of the galaxy have undergone change.  Not far from MariosCosmos, once a very bright star on the horizon, the glistening SonofCosmos has come into view.  Somewhat similar in appearance, sonar cannot detect any noticeable difference in sound.  To find SonofCosmos, locate the lights above Albany and set […]