The latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Polls track public opinion on the most pressing issues today.
4/8: McClatchy-Marist Poll
April 8, 2016
Do Americans think the nation is moving on the right or the wrong track? Find out in the latest national McClatchy-Marist Poll. To read the full McClatchy article, click here.
2/8: A Successful Presidency for Obama? An Onside Kick isn’t Necessary, But…
February 8, 2010
By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff It’s one down and three to go for President Obama, and no one is suggesting the first year was stellar. But, President Obama doesn’t need to pull any Super Bowl Coach Sean Payton’s razzle-dazzle just yet… a strategic redirection, though, wouldn’t hurt. The latest, national Marist Poll points out the […]
The Next 100 Days
April 30, 2009
By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff Following the deluge of pollsters and pundits weighing in on President Obama’s first 100 days, the obvious follow-up question in this era of rapidly changing public perceptions is: what will the chattering class be saying on August 7th — Day 200 — about the Obama Administration? The late Tim Russert […]