3/15: Hopping on the Bandwagon? The Internet’s Impact on Intelligence

With the news from The Marist Poll that an overwhelming 68% of U.S. residents believe the Internet is making us smarter, I’m beginning to think I should just hop on the bandwagon and see where it takes me.  Still, I can’t help asking why people are so optimistic. The general argument linking smarts to the […]

This Is Your Brain on Social Networks … Any Questions?

Have you ever fallen into a tech-hole? You’re sitting at your computer, logged into your Facebook, Twitter and other social networking accounts, immersed in the links, videos, comments and other digital flotsam shooting down the info streams.  Meanwhile, a person, real flesh and blood, walks in the room and wants your attention.  You don’t hear […]

So, You Want to Start a Website

If you were to ask me a year ago if I ever thought I’d be overseeing a website like The Marist Poll’s, honestly, I would have laughed in your face.  You see, my feet were firmly planted in traditional broadcast news (whatever that means anymore), and although I would often talk about changing careers, I […]