The latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Polls track public opinion on the most pressing issues today.
1/20: Baby Boomers’ Reality: An Interview
January 20, 2011
By John Sparks The largest explosion in population for the United States occurred in the years just following the end of World War II. Known as the Baby Boomer Generation, this group has been the largest demographic of the American population and has been the driving force of the economy ever since. In the second […]
9/1: Preventing Swine Flu…An Interview with the CDC
September 1, 2009
By John Sparks Should Americans be concerned about H1N1 influenza, and what precautions should they take to be protected from the swine flu? The Marist Poll’s John Sparks talks with Joe Quimby of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. Read the full interview below. John Sparks Joe, The Marist Poll conducted a […]
6/18: Health Care in the United States: An In-Depth Look
June 18, 2009
By John Sparks Dr. Irwin Redlener, Co-Founder and President of the Children’s Health Fund, discusses the Marist Poll’s findings on health insurance in the United States and shares his thoughts on President Barack Obama’s health care plan and the future of health care in the country. Dr. Redlener, also the Director of the National Center […]