January 16, 2020
Trump, Iran, and Impeachment, Jan 2020
Americans Weigh in on Trump’s Handling of Iran… Remain Split over Impeachment
After an intense period between the United States and Iran, 49% of Americans say they disapprove of how President Donald Trump is handling the issue. 42% approve, and 9% are unsure. Partisan allegiances are intact with Republicans strongly backing the president and Democrats largely in opposition. Among independents, 49% disapprove of the president’s actions, and 42% approve. Men (49%) are more likely than women (35%) to approve of how Trump is handling Iran. A majority of Americans under the age of 45 (51%) express dissatisfaction with the president’s actions. Older Americans divide. 47% approve, and 47% disapprove.
“Americans overall are not patting the president on the back over how he handled the crisis in Iran,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “Closer to home, impeachment is even more polarizing along party lines for the president. On both issues, the president’s base remains in his corner.”
On the issue of impeachment, the nation remains divided. 47% support the Senate removing the president from office, and 47% oppose such an action. In December, Americans were similarly divided. 46% supported removal, and 49% opposed it.
Again, Republicans and Democrats are in opposite corners. Independents divide. 45% support removing the president from office, and 47% oppose his ousting. Majorities of women (54%) and Americans under the age of 45 (52%) are in favor of convicting Trump on impeachment charges. Majorities of men (56%) and residents 45 or older (51%) are against the Senate removing the president from office.
President Trump’s job approval rating remains consistent. 41% of Americans, including 30% who strongly do so, approve of how the president is doing his job. 53% of Americans disapprove. This includes 41% who are strongly of this opinion. In December, 42% of Americans approved of how the president was doing his job, and 52% disapproved.