Future U.S. President?

More Americans Would Not Want Their Child to be President

A growing proportion of Americans would not want their child to be President of the United States. Six in ten Americans, up from 2018, would not want their child to take the Oath of Office. While bipartisan agreement exists, opinions differ by age and gender.

Future U.S. President?
Regardless of whether or not you have children, would you want your child or grandchild to grow up to become president?
Source: NPR/PBS News/Marist Poll National Adults. Interviews conducted May 21st through May 23rd, 2024, n=1,261 MOE +/- 3.4 percentage points. Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding.
  • Six in ten Americans (60%), up from 54% in 2018, would not want their child to be President of the United States. 37% would want their child to occupy the Oval Office.

  • Among Democrats (53%) and Republicans (59%), there has been an increase in the proportions who say they would not want their child to grow up to be president. 62% of independents agree.

  • Americans 18 to 29 years old (69%) are more likely than their older counterparts to say they would not want their child to become president.

  • Women (62%) are slightly more likely than men (57%) to say they would not want their child to become the leader of the free world. However, there has been an increase in the proportion of men who say the same (57% from 48%).