8/9: About Two-Thirds Favor NYC Bike Lanes

According to this NY1-Marist Poll, 66% of New York City adults support bike lanes in the Big Apple.  More than one in four — 28% — oppose them, and 6% are unsure.  However, just 25% of residents think they make traffic better in the five boroughs.  Four in ten — 40% — believe such lanes make traffic worse while 30% say they make no difference at all.  Only 5% are unsure.

bike lane traffic


Click here for Complete August 9th, 2011 NY1-Marist Poll Release and Tables

When it comes to the number of bike lanes in New York City, a plurality — 44% — thinks the amount is on target.  27% want more bike lanes created while 23% believe the number should be reduced.  Six percent are unsure.

Table: Support or Oppose Bike Lanes in NYC

Table: Impact of Bike Lanes on NYC Traffic

Table: Number of Bike Lanes in NYC

Sharing the Road: Can’t Get No Respect from Taxi Drivers and Motorists

Most New York City adults — 78% — say taxi drivers are not respectful when sharing the road.  16%, though, believe they are, and 6% are unsure.  Although motorists are viewed by fewer residents as being disrespectful, a majority — 53% — thinks drivers, in general, are inconsiderate when sharing the road.

New York City residents divide about bicyclists.  48% view them as respectful while 46% report they are not.  Seven percent are unsure.

Bus drivers top the list for being most respectful on the city’s streets.  More than two-thirds of residents — 67% — think bus drivers are respectful when on the road while 28% believe they are not.  Five percent are unsure.  Looking at pedestrians, a slim majority — 51% — consider passers-by to be considerate when sharing the road.  44% do not have this view, and 5% are unsure.

Table: Are Taxi Drivers Respectful or Disrespectful when Sharing the Road?

Table: Are Motorists Respectful or Disrespectful when Sharing the Road?

Table: Are Bicyclists Respectful or Disrespectful when Sharing the Road?

Table: Are Bus Drivers Respectful or Disrespectful when Sharing the Road?

Table: Are Pedestrians Respectful or Disrespectful when Sharing the Road?

NY1-Marist Poll Methodology