July 10, 2014
7/10: Obama’s Rating Notches Up in NYS
NBC 4 NY/WSJ/Marist New York State Poll
The President’s approval rating in New York State has ticked upward since last November, but is still upside down. According to this Wall Street Journal/NBC 4 NY/Marist Poll, President Obama has improved his standing among African Americans and New York City voters. Reflecting national trends, voters in New York are not overly enthusiastic about the 2014 elections. Even in blue state New York, Republicans show greater enthusiasm than either Democrats or independents. New Yorkers rate each of their two U.S. Senators, Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, more positively than negatively.
“Even in New York, the president struggles to convince a majority of voters that he is doing a good job,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.
Poll Points
- 45% of voters in New York State approve of the job Mr. Obama is doing as president including 15% who rate him as excellent and 30% who rate him as good. However, a majority, 55%, rate his performance as either fair, 23%, or poor, 32% (Trend).
- The marginal uptick in the president’s performance is primarily due to his backing from 87% of African Americans, an increase from 74% last time, and 65% of voters in New York City, up from 50% in November.
- Looking ahead to November’s elections, voters, overall, are not very enthusiastic about heading to the polls. There is a party difference with 26% of Republicans saying they are very enthusiastic compared with 16% of Democrats and 11% of independents who share this high level of interest.
- Only 3% of voters between 18 and 29 are very enthusiastic about voting in November. Although they lack intensity, nearly six in ten in this age group say they are somewhat enthusiastic.
New York’s U.S. Senators Schumer and Gillibrand Steady as they Go…
U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand continue to enjoy steady approval ratings.
- A majority of voters, 54%, rate the job U.S. Senator Charles Schumer is doing in office as either excellent or good. 41% of New Yorkers disapprove of his job performance including 27% who rate his performance as fair and 14% who rate it as poor. In March, 53% of voters gave him a positive score (Trend).
- 49% of voters give Kirsten Gillibrand either an excellent, 15%, or good, 34%, score for her work as U.S. Senator. 38% disapprove including 29% who say she is doing a fair job and 9% who rate her performance as poor. In March, her approval rating was 45% (Trend).