4/17: Obama Leads Romney by 22% in New York State

President Barack Obama has a double-digit lead over his probable Republican challenger Mitt Romney in New York State.  According to this NY1/YNN-Marist Poll, nearly six in ten registered voters in New York — 57% — support President Obama while 35% back Romney.  Only 8% are undecided.

President Barack Obama


Click Here for Complete April 17, 2012 NY1/YNN-Marist Poll Release and Tables

Similar results were reported in NY1/YNN-Marist’s January survey.  At that time, 58% said they would cast their ballot for the president while 35% reported they would vote for Romney.  Seven percent, at that time, were undecided.

“New York is solid for President Obama’s re-election prospects,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.  “Anything else in a state that he carried by 27 points in 2008 would be startling.”

President Obama enjoys an approval rating of 47% among registered voters in New York State.  This includes 18% who say the president is doing an excellent job and 29% who report he is doing a good one.  More than one in five — 22% — thinks the president is doing a fair job while 31% believe he is performing poorly.  Less than 1% is unsure.

The president’s approval rating in New York is virtually unchanged.  In January, 46% gave Mr. Obama a thumbs-up.  26% thought the president deserved a “fair” grade, and 28% reported he missed the mark.  Less than 1% was unsure.

Table: 2012 Hypothetical Presidential Tossup: Obama/Romney

Table: Obama Approval Rating

Table: Obama Approval Rating Over Time

42% Plan to Support Gillibrand for Re-election…More than One-Third Still Unsure

U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand faces re-election in November.  What are her electoral chances?  More than four in ten registered voters statewide — 42% — say they will definitely vote for Gillibrand while 23% report they will definitely vote against her.  A notable 35% are unsure.

In NY1/YNN-Marist’s January survey, 38% were unquestionably in Gillibrand’s corner while 18% were not.  44%, at that time, were unsure.

When it comes to Gillibrand’s job approval rating, 42% of voters give her high marks.  Included here are 11% who say she is doing an excellent job in office and 31% who believe her performance is good.  28% rate Gillibrand’s job performance as fair while 14% say it is poor.  16% are unsure.

Three months ago, Gillibrand’s approval rating stood at 40%.  29% thought she was doing a fair job as senator while 12% believed she fell short.  18% were unsure.

Table: Definitely Plan to Vote For or Against Senator Kirsten Gillibrand in 2012

Table: Gillibrand Approval Rating

Table: Gillibrand Approval Rating (Over Time)

Schumer Still Stands Strong

A majority of registered voters in New York — 54% — applaud Senator Chuck Schumer’s job performance.  18% rate it as excellent while 36% say he is doing a good job in office.  Fair is the rating 25% give to Schumer while 16% believe his performance is subpar.  Just 5% are unsure.

There has been little change on this question since NY1/YNN-Marist’s January survey when 56% gave Schumer high marks.  27% rated him as fair, and 12% thought he was performing poorly in the role.  Five percent, then, were unsure.

Table: Schumer Approval Rating

Table: Schumer Approval Rating (Over Time)

How the Survey was Conducted

Nature of the Sample