Americans Want to Go Back to the Future, March 2018

Super powers aren’t just for kids. Nearly three in ten Americans (29%) wish they could travel in time. The ability to read people’s minds comes in second with 20% followed by the ability to fly (17%), the ability to teleport (15%), and invisibility (12%). Five percent do not want any of these super powers, and 3% are unsure.

When reported in 2011, a nearly identical proportion of Americans (28%) said they wanted to time travel. Fewer Americans now say they want to be able to read people’s minds. 28% previously longed for that super power.

Demographic differences exist. Time travel is the super power of choice for pluralities of white (30%) and Latino (26%) residents. Of note, 23% of Latinos would like the ability to teleport. Among African Americans, the ability to read people’s minds (30%) tops the list followed by time travel (26%).

Men (36%) are also more likely than women (22%) to select time travel. Among women, nearly one in four (23%) select mind reading. Also of note, reading minds (26%) is the most mentioned super power among Americans 60 and older. The ability to time travel is number one among those 30 to 44 years old (36%) and 45 to 59 years of age (31%). 30% of residents under 30 would like to be able to teleport.

Complete March 14, 2018 Marist Poll Release of the United States
Complete March 14, 2018 Marist Poll of the United States (Tables of Adults and Registered Voters)
Marist Poll Methodology
Nature of the Sample