December 9, 2009
12/9: Tiger’s Troubles…Americans Say, “Butt Out”
As more tawdry details of Tiger Woods’ marital infidelity make their way through the rumor mill, the golf great remains tight-lipped. Is that the best strategy for Woods?
According to nearly seven in ten residents nationwide, he should deal with the events privately. 25% disagree saying Woods should talk about the situation under public scrutiny. 6% are unsure.
What about all those endorsements Woods has been cashing in on? Will the public still purchase products promoted by the now tarnished sports figure? Americans respond overwhelmingly, “Yes.” 91% say Woods’ “transgressions” make no difference when deciding whether or not to buy a product endorsed by the golfer. 8% say recent events will make them less likely to buy such products.
Table: Public or Private Issue
Table: Impact on Endorsements