GenNext (ages 18-25) is the only survey of young Americans that’s conceived and conducted by young Americans. This unique design provides us all with insight into how young Americans feel and think about their present and future.

Significant & Subtle Differences Among Generations on Abortion Rights and Charitable Activities

Adult members of Gen Z (ages 18-29) are more motivated to vote by their views on the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade than other Americans in other generations.

24% of Gen Z say they oppose the Court’s decision overturning abortion rights, and it is a main factor motivating their vote. This compares with 18% of Millennials, 15% of Gen X, 15% of Baby Boomers, and 8% of the Silent/Greatest generation.
Gen Z is most likely to hold views at the extremes of the laws regulating abortion rights.

Members of Gen Z had the highest percentage saying abortion should be allowed “at any time during a pregnancy” (27%) AND the highest percentage saying if there were laws limiting abortion, those laws should have no exceptions for things like rape or incest (19%).
Student Resarcher: Neel Viswanathan
Marist Poll Advisor: Daniela Charter

Whether volunteering for charity or political campaigns, Gen Z is much more likely to give their time than members of older generations.

72% of Gen Z say they have volunteered for an organization or association at least once or twice a year in the past two years. This compares with 55% of Millennials, 48% of Gen X, 40% of Boomers, and 26% of the Silent/Greatest.
When it comes to donating money as opposed to time, there is somewhat less difference between Gen Z and other generations.

For instance, Gen Z is the least likely to report having donated money to charitable or non-profit organizations in the prior two years, but the differences are small: Gen Z (77%), Millennials (82%), Gen X (78%), Boomers (86%), Silent/Greatest (85%). Conversely, Gen Z is the most likely to say they’ve given money to a candidate or party in the prior two years: Gen Z (39%), Millennials (35%), Gen X (26%), Boomers (22%), Silent/Greatest (33%).
Student Resarcher: Krystyna Lubrano
Marist Poll Advisors: Daniela Charter, Jay DeDapper