By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff
There are two schools of thought on whether Hillary Clinton is running for president in 2016. Some say she is and some say she isn’t.
But, is Clinton in essence already on the campaign trail? I don’t know. What have we learned about whether she will eventually run for real? I don’t know.
Why? Because if Hillary Clinton is running for president, she’d be doing exactly what she’s been doing lately… a book tour, public pronouncements, TV appearances etc. If Hillary Clinton is not running for president, she’d also be doing exactly what she’s been doing lately… a book tour, public pronouncements, TV appearances etc.
There are several interesting take-aways from our recent NBC News/Marist Polls of Iowa and New Hampshire on what the public thinks about the former First Lady, former US Senator, and former Secretary of State. First off, Democrats are ready for Hillary. Her favorable rating with her party’s faithful is 89% in Iowa and 94% in New Hampshire. WOW! And, she trounces VP Joe Biden in both of these states in early hypothetical matchups by 50 points in Iowa and 56 points in New Hampshire. DOUBLE WOW!!
Dems may be ready for Hillary, but the rest of the voters in these two states are less than eager. In fact, she is closely matched against most of her potential GOP rivals, and is under 50% in both states against all comers except Scott Walker in Iowa and Ted Cruz in New Hampshire. To make matters even less comforting for the Clinton for President team, each of the Republicans runs better in pairings against Clinton than their own favorability rating. In other words, Hillary Clinton unifies the GOP opposition. Right now, she’d make Iowa and New Hampshire, states that Obama carried both times, swing states. Not a pretty picture for the Democrats.
So, Hillary Clinton may ultimately toss her hat into the ring. And, she may have a clear path to her party’s nomination. But, she will have to go through a prolonged battle against her eventual GOP opponent before anyone should talk of her winning the White House.