In an unprecedented survey of more than forty-five hundred New Yorkers, The Dyson Foundation/Marist Poll set out to uncover residents’ views toward the issue of local government consolidation.
Striking a Balance: New Yorkers Speak Out on Rightsizing Local Government, originally released earlier this year in April, focuses on nine regions in the state — The Capital Region, The Adirondacks, Western New York, The Finger Lakes, Central New York, The Mid-Hudson Valley, The Lower Hudson Valley, New York City, and Long Island. And, this week, the Dyson Foundation/Marist Poll is releasing key survey findings from each of those nine regions.
The schedule for release is:
- The Adirondacks, The Capital Region, and The Mid-Hudson Valley: Tuesday, October 4, 2011
- Western New York, The Finger Lakes, and Central New York: Wednesday, October 5, 2011
- The Lower Hudson Valley, New York City, and Long Island: Thursday, October 6, 2011
For More Information:
Key regional findings and complete survey results for “Striking a Balance: New Yorkers Speak Out on Rightsizing Local Government” may be found at For more information about the Marist Poll, visit To learn more about the Dyson Foundation, log on to
The Marist Poll, 845-575-5050
Lee M. Miringoff
Barbara L. Carvalho
Mary E. Azzoli
The Dyson Foundation
Diana M. Gurieva, 845-677-0644
Steve Densmore, 845-234-8713