USA Residents
Are you very concerned, concerned, not very concerned, or not concerned at all that you or someone in your household will get the H1N1 virus known as the swine flu?
Very concerned Concerned Not very concerned Not concerned at all
Row % Row % Row % Row %
USA Residents 7% 13% 35% 45%
Registered Voters 7% 14% 34% 45%
Region Northeast 7% 16% 31% 46%
Midwest 6% 14% 38% 42%
South 9% 13% 33% 46%
West 7% 12% 38% 44%
Income Less $50,000 12% 19% 30% 40%
$50,000-$99,999 5% 9% 38% 49%
$100,000 or more 0% 5% 45% 50%
Education Not college graduate 10% 16% 31% 43%
College graduate 3% 7% 43% 47%
Race White 5% 11% 37% 47%
African American 17% 19% 33% 31%
Latino 12% 20% 23% 45%
Age Under 45 9% 15% 35% 42%
45 or older 6% 13% 34% 47%
Gender Men 7% 10% 37% 46%
Women 7% 16% 32% 44%
Households with children under 18 Household with children 7% 15% 38% 41%
No children in household 8% 12% 34% 46%
July 2010 Marist Poll National Residents "N=1004 MOE +/- 3%" Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.