USA Residents
Do you think the Internet makes it more acceptable or less acceptable to use someone else's work and claim it as your own?
More acceptable Less acceptable No difference Unsure
Row % Row % Row % Row %
USA Residents 35% 50% 8% 7%
Region Northeast 38% 50% 8% 5%
Midwest 32% 54% 8% 6%
South 39% 47% 6% 8%
West 31% 49% 12% 8%
Household Income Less than $50,000 35% 51% 7% 7%
$50,000 or more 35% 51% 9% 5%
Education Not college graduate 37% 50% 5% 9%
College graduate 35% 50% 12% 3%
Age 18 to 29 35% 57% 6% 1%
30 to 44 38% 48% 9% 4%
45 to 59 34% 51% 8% 7%
60 or older 36% 44% 9% 12%
Age Under 45 37% 52% 8% 3%
45 or older 35% 48% 8% 9%
Gender Men 34% 49% 11% 6%
Women 37% 50% 5% 8%
April 2010 Marist Poll National Residents "N=956 MOE +/- 3.5%". Numbers may not add to 100 due to rounding