Registered Voters
From what you have read or heard, do you think the recently passed health insurance legislation is constitutional, or not?
Constitutional Not constitutional Unsure
Row % Row % Row %
Registered Voters 46% 42% 12%
Party ID Democrat 70% 20% 10%
Republican 14% 74% 12%
Independent 43% 43% 14%
Party ID by Gender Democrat men 73% 20% 6%
Democrat women 67% 20% 13%
Republican men 12% 77% 11%
Republican women 16% 71% 13%
Independent men 41% 46% 13%
Independent women 44% 39% 17%
Political Ideology Liberal 74% 19% 7%
Moderate 51% 34% 15%
Conservative 27% 60% 13%
Region Northeast 53% 38% 9%
Midwest 45% 41% 14%
South 41% 49% 10%
West 48% 36% 16%
Household Income Less than $50,000 45% 41% 14%
$50,000 or more 49% 43% 8%
Education Not college graduate 41% 47% 12%
College graduate 51% 36% 13%
Age 18 to 29 52% 34% 13%
30 to 44 48% 45% 7%
45 to 59 42% 42% 16%
60 or older 43% 45% 12%
Gender Men 45% 45% 10%
Women 46% 40% 15%
March 2010 Marist Poll National Registered Voters "N=860 MOE +/- 3.5%" Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.