Registered Voters
If the election for your New York State Senator were held today, which party's candidate are you more likely to vote for in your state senate district?
Democrat Republican Neither Unsure
Row % Row % Row % Row %
Registered Voters 53% 37% 4% 6%
Party Registration Democrat 88% 9% 2% 2%
Republican 11% 78% 4% 7%
Non-enrolled 44% 39% 8% 9%
Political Ideology Liberal 84% 9% 3% 4%
Moderate 58% 34% 4% 4%
Conservative 25% 66% 3% 5%
Region New York City 70% 26% 3% 1%
Suburbs 51% 41% 4% 5%
Upstate 45% 42% 5% 8%
Income Less $50,000 59% 31% 4% 6%
$50,000-$99,999 50% 40% 5% 5%
$100,000 or more 57% 38% 2% 3%
Income Less than $50,000 59% 31% 4% 6%
$50,000 or more 53% 39% 4% 4%
Race White 46% 44% 4% 5%
Non White 80% 12% 2% 5%
Age 18 to 29 65% 28% 3% 4%
30 to 44 54% 41% 2% 2%
45 to 59 52% 36% 6% 6%
60 or older 50% 38% 4% 8%
Age Under 45 58% 37% 3% 3%
45 or older 51% 37% 5% 7%
Gender Men 45% 46% 3% 5%
Women 61% 28% 5% 6%
February 22 & 24, 2010 Marist Poll New York Registered Voters "N=646 MOE +/- 4%". Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.