Registered Voters
In general, do you have a favorable or an unfavorable impression of Diana Taylor?
Favorable Unfavorable Unsure-Never Heard
Row % Row % Row %
Registered Voters 13% 11% 76%
Party Registration Democrat 15% 10% 75%
Republican 5% 7% 88%
Non-enrolled 10% 17% 73%
Political Ideology Liberal 15% 12% 74%
Moderate 15% 11% 74%
Conservative 10% 10% 80%
Gender Men 13% 10% 77%
Women 13% 11% 76%
Race White 11% 10% 79%
African American 17% 13% 69%
Latino 13% 12% 75%
Religion Protestant 16% 6% 78%
Catholic 13% 14% 73%
Jewish 12% 8% 80%
White Catholics White Catholics 13% 13% 75%
All Else 15% 11% 75%
Age Under 45 17% 11% 73%
45 or older 11% 11% 79%
Education Not college graduate 16% 13% 72%
College graduate 11% 7% 82%
Household Income Less than $50,000 13% 13% 75%
$50,000 or more 14% 7% 79%
NYC Borough Bronx 10% 7% 83%
Brooklyn 8% 12% 80%
Manhattan 12% 12% 76%
Queens and Staten Island 19% 10% 70%
August 2010 Marist Poll New York City Registered Voters "N=696 MOE +/- 4%". Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.