10/9: Baseball’s Bond

By John Sparks These are the best of times and the worst of times. The best of times is the excitement as we go down to the wire of the 2009 baseball season where more is riding on each pitch and every at bat. For those of us whose passion is the National Pastime, the […]

9/21: Mr. Obama Goes to New York…Squelches Mr. Paterson’s Chances?

By Dr. Lee M. Miringoff     With an approval rating still scraping bottom at 20% and with only 27% of New York State voters even wanting Governor David Paterson to seek election in 2010, it’s little wonder the White House is getting itchy.  Why is Washington so worried about the bluest of the blue […]

7/2: Wedding Memories

One’s wedding day is said to be the most important day in his/her life.  But, most ceremonies and receptions create special memories for, not only the couple but, just about everyone involved.  And, so, from the personal and poignant to even the comical, a few of us here at The Marist Poll decided to share […]